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  • You are eligible to apply for up to $400 in Shalom Arts Micro Grants per calendar year! You can receive up to four Micro Grants per year, provided that your total grant allocation does not exceed $400. Please note that the minimum grant request is $100.
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.
  • The Arts Micro Grants are awarded to artists seeking assistance with the simple, yet crucial elements that can progress one’s arts career. Some examples include covering or subsidising costs on:
    • Software such as Adobe Creative Suite, Final Draft, or ProTools
    • Equipment such as camera gear, microphones, paint, or fabric
    • Studio rental costs
    • Additional labour such as sound engineers, producers, artist assistants, and documentation photographers
    • Basic catering for openings and events
  • Shalom Arts Micro Grants are available exclusively for artists living and working within the ACT or NSW.
  • While Shalom seeks to support projects and practices with a Jewish connection, we encourage any Jewish artists to apply.
  • The Shalom Arts Micro Grants are paid in the form of reimbursement.


  • Application:
    Apply for a Shalom Arts Micro Grant at any time using our dedicated online application form below. This application includes a prompt for bio, explanation of your intended use as well as how it connects with the Jewish community. We also request a simple budget or cost breakdown – download template here: https://www.shalom.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Shalom-Artist-Micro-Grant-Applicants-Budget-Template.xlsx 
  • Approval or Questions:
    Our team will contact you to either approve your application or ask some follow up questions.
  • Activate:
    You will create and/or present your project. Should the Micro Grant support a performance, exhibition, or other presentation, its advertising and messaging should include our logo as a supporter, but the rest of the creating and direction is up to you. Shalom is happy to administer all ticketing through our systems, alleviating any technical stresses, or further costs for you. We will also plug your events through our social media channels, and email lists if you desire and if it works with marketing schedules.
  • Report:
    Three months after receiving the Arts Micro Grant you and our team will meet to talk about your work, connect with some key learnings, and discuss the future of your practice, with possible future funding available. Shalom may invite you to speak about your work and your experience as a grant recipient in the future.

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